May 2, 2012

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT! if...
  • I almost didn't remember to post this today.  I'm in a blogging rut, what can I say?
  • I finished Fifty Shades of Grey yesterday and now I cannot wait to start reading Darker. OMG I'm addicted.
  • I'm most excited about the back/shoulder/head massage I'm going to get before my haircut versus my actual haircut.  Either way a morning alone of pampering is nice.
  • I had a mini meltdown about our new one income situation last night. It's a big adjustment!
  • As much as I love bright, sun-shiny days, I crave rainy days, a lot.
  • I talk to my mom multiple times a day.
  • I have a job interview for Tuesday and I don't want to go.
  • I'm going to be sad when The Voice ends.
  • My house will never be as clean as I want it to be or as it was when we first moved in.

  • Photobucket


  1. Where do you have an interview at?!

  2. I still sometimes meltdown about only having one income and it has been two years LOL. It's just a big adjustment! Who went home on the Voice last night?? I didn't get a chance to watch and you telling me would just be faster than trying to fast-forward through the talking on Hulu lol

  3. I talk to my mom multiple times a day too! What would we do without our moms?! Your massage will be magical, I now want one...

  4. Dang it! I was planning to link up this week and forget, so hopefully next week will take that on. Maybe by the afternoon nap and one item will be so what if I'm typing this post instead of the regularly scheduled program of cleaning the bathroom!

    My mom teaches so I cannot wait for summertime when we chat multiple times a day. Love that woman!

  5. I talk to my mom all the time, too:)

    Are you staying home permanently now? So exciting!

  6. Girl I crave rainy days too...especially so I can FINALLY keep my kids inside for a bit while I attempt to get something done. And by "Get something done" I mean read a few magazines while they play. Ha!

  7. I have little breakdowns about our one income status all the time these days. Not fun. I look back at pictures of when we first moved in to this house and have decided that it will never be that clean again until we move out. Sigh...oh well.

  8. I reallllly want to read 50 shades, pleas hook a sister up, yo! I heard you have the dig. goods! lol So i totally used your SWW graphic in my pic for my post again this week!

  9. Goodluck with your interview!!

  10. A job interview? I thought your SAHM gig was for keeps?

    I'm going to stay home of 8 months after I have this next baby and we're going to see what's it like to live on one income. I'm saving money now for the big things like car insurance, Christmas etc...but it's so dang hard to live on one income, I'm not sure we'll be able to do it. We'll see how our trial run goes. I'm lucky that I have the option to take so much time off from work and still maintain my position.

  11. Can I please ask where you get your hair cut that they give you a massage before they cut it?!? Sounds glorious :o)

  12. Good luck with the job interview!

  13. I had the same thought about my haircut last week. My stylist has magic hands and if I could just get my hair washed by her once a week, I feel my BP would lower itself greatly!

  14. I LOVE rainy days to. Homemade soup and curling up on the couch. Oh yeah :)

  15. I LOVE getting the feet massage when I get a pedi :)

  16. I talk to my mom multiple times a day through email too. Wouldn't have it any other way. It's been raining here for the past two days...I'll trade you for some sun!

  17. I LOVE the head massage I get during the shampoo when I get my haircut. Unfortunately I only get my haircut 2-3 times a years haha.

    I just started the second book of the 50 Shades series. Didn't love the first book but heard the second was better. I'm trying so hard to like it but Christian and Ana just annoy the piss out of me. Sigh.

  18. So should I say good luck on the interview?

  19. Interview? Good luck! Rob and I have booked a couples massage during our trip to AZ this month and i. can't. wait. I have never had a massage (other than a chair massage) and I'm so excited!!!

  20. Oh! And I just finished the 3rd 50 shades book today... loved it, I'm sad they're done. :( Guess I'll have to find something else to read now.

  21. Hi Shannon! I'm a new follower; a friend of Crystal Seed. I've heard a lot about you already... can't wait to read your blog! :)

  22. dude. i haven't snuck away to have my hair cut in months. okay. years. I would KILL for that time!!!

  23. We've been a one income family for pretty much six years now. It's still an adjustment.

    Anjie @ Of Pandas and Pirates

  24. Oh mama I want to come give you a hug!!! I pray the interview goes great and deep breaths because I know that income adjustment and it was a major reality check for me- it will be ok friend- hugs!!!!

  25. 50 shades of grey was so great I read it in two days! I just started 50 shades darker. I am obsessed!!

  26. I got a haircut on the weekend and I did not get a shoulder/head massage... I'm very jealous lol. Also, I talk to my mother multiple times a day as well. And I too had a breakdown about having only one income this week. Good luck on your interview!

  27. What are you interviewing for?
